In a few weeks we have our first Learning Teaching Activities in Civitavecchia, Italy. We will be invited b y Instituto D´Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Calamatta; Listen this audio to discover Civitavechia and Its famous people.
Dear partners, this is the timeline of our town ,Civitavecchia. It was created by the students of the 2nd year of FASHION COURSE of our school with their Italian teacher, Tiziana Franceschini. We liked it a lot !...and you? timeline animata.pptx VITTORIO EMANUELE SQUARE LUIGI CALAMATTA SQUARE GUGLIELMO MARCONI STREET
Dear partners! We´d like to share one of our videos from the "youtubing monuments"- activity with you! Youtubing monuments- Cologne cathedral by Alex and Jan This one is about our most famous monument- the cathedral of Cologne (Dom)